The Gathering III
$0.00 – $300.00
Check out the recording for The Gathering III on the WOWLife Group Mentoring Facebook Page.
LifeSounds invites you to attend The Gathering III. Our Speakers and their topics:
Greg Ordway: Yahweh’s Whirlwind of Oneness
Linda Ordway: The Uniqueness of You
Kymberly Whitman: I Am Who I Am
Toni Sharabba: I am My Beloved’s and My Beloved is Mine
Jaime Bokelmann: The Patterns of David
Angie Bokelmann: The Word Became Flesh
Dwight Angelito will lead worship Thursday, Friday & Saturday evening, as well as Sunday morning
The Gathering III is open to whosoever wants to come. Please join us Thursday, October 27th to Sunday, October 30th.
Those who share their month, date, year and time of birth* at checkout will be included in a special reading that Linda is conducting (including children). You won’t want to miss out!
*All birth info will remain highly confidential and will not be sold or shared. This information is to be used for the session only.
Find more information about tickets, speakers, lodging and driving directions below under the Description, Additional Information and Event Details tab.
Event starts at 7p, Thursday, October 27th and ends Sunday afternoon, October 30th. The final session will start at 10a. Tickets available for in-person or virtual attendance.
Friday & Saturday sessions at 10a, 11a, 1:30p, & 3p. Worship starts at 7p and will be followed by more teaching.
Speaker Bios
Greg & Linda Ordway
Greg & Linda have been working in the family, business and religion mountains for their entire married life of almost 40 years. They currently own several businesses including Cedar Creek Resort & RV Park, Cedar Creek Coffee, New Hope Group Home and Lighthouse Group Home as well as oversee Life Christian Outreach and Life Homes that assists in providing homes and jobs for people with special needs and special gifts. They have 4 sons, 3 daughter-in-laws, 3 grandsons and 3 granddaughters with one more grandson due the middle of November.
Kym Whitman
Kym lives her life from the heart of our Heavenly Father. Her greatest desire for every man, woman and child is that all would consciously live from their “I AMness.” Kym believes that as we partner with the realms of Father’s Kingdom that we will mirror Yahweh in every area of our life.
Kym is a wife, mom, grandmother, teacher, leader, mentor, catalyst, and trail blazer. She is the founder of Heart of the Bride Ministries. She hosts a weekly Global Zoom meeting Sunday mornings that is open to all.
Toni Sharabba
Toni is an intercessor, business coach, intercessor, healing and deliverance minister. Her deepest passion is to see the captives being set free and her favorite motto is "ALL things are possible with God". She is an atmosphere transformer and love is the canopy that she walks under.
Jaime & Angie Bokelmann
We are Jamie and Angie Bokelmann and have been married for 16 years, combined we have a total of 5 children ranging from 25 to 10 years old. Over the years, we have pursued ministry serving in various capacities. We have the deepest desire to see the manifestation of the restoration of all things in our generation. We believe that we have a divine mandate to awaken every heart and mind to their original identity so that all of humanity remembers the Christ that is in them NOW.
Dwight Angelito (Worship Leader)
Dwight "Arkangel" Angelito has been in the worship music scene for more than 30 years and has never lost his desire to "push the envelope" of what it really means to worship the Lord in Spirit and Truth not just through music, but the lifestyle. This led him to constant exploring and diving into the depths of truth and revelation that is very reflective on his "sound".
Additional information
Ticket type: | Individual, Couple, Live Stream Access, Child Under 12, Child Under 2 |
Event Details
Lodging is extremely limited for this event, and is first come, first serve. We will allow for tent camping during this event. If you do not mind taking your showers in the RV Park bathroom we will not charge you for tent camping options. Let us know by contacting Linda at [email protected] if you want to take advantage of this option.
Those who request lodging (if available) will be expected to share a queen or king size bed. Individuals will be assigned a bunkbed. Those who indicate they are interested in lodging at checkout will be contacted about their options.
Alternately, there are several hotels in the area. Those closest to the resort are off the Lake of the Woods Exit: Super 8 Motel, 5700 Freedom Dr., Columbia, MO 65202 and Holiday Inn-Columbia-East, 915 Port Way, Columbia, MO 65201.
Event starts at 7p, Thursday, October 7th and ends Sunday afternoon, October 30th. The final session will start at 10a. Tickets available for in-person or virtual attendance.
Friday & Saturday sessions at 10a, 11a, 1:30p, & 3p. Worship starts at 7p and will be followed by more teaching.
Ticket pricing will include lunch & dinner on Friday & Saturday. Any virtual attendees will also receive a recording of the event.
FOR THE FIRST 30 PEOPLE WHO LIVE MORE THAN 40 MILE AWAY - Lodging is included. Must be willing to share a queen or king bed. Recommend booking a couples ticket with the person you are sharing a bed with.
*Couples can be any two guests willing to share a bed and do not need to be related.
Children and families are welcome, however there will not be any organized events for kids and any children under 15 are not to be left unattended.
Start date: October 27, 2022
End date: October 30, 2022
Start time: 07:00 p.m. CST
End time: 12:00 p.m. CST
Venue: Cedar Creek Resort
Directions: If you are coming from Columbia Take I-70 east to the Route J/Millersburg Exit. Turn Right onto Route J and go 1/2 mile. Turn Right onto Country Road 256. Go 1/2 mile to the end of the road where you will enter into the Cedar Creek Resort property. At the entrance to the property, take a left and follow signs to the new Cedar Creek Event Center. If you are coming from St. Louis take I-70 West to the Route J/ Millersburg Exit. Turn Left onto Rout J and go 1/2 mile. Turn Right onto Country Road 256. Go 1/2 mile to the end of the road where you will enter into the Cedar Creek Resort property. At the entrance of the property, take a left and follow signs to the new Cedar Creek Event Center
Phone: 573-239-8336
Email: [email protected]